Saturday, December 31, 2011


engga tau persis kapan hal ini terjadi....
i just know that it happened on december...

saat uas tiba, gw beserta anak kelas 10 lainnya dijadwalkan masuk siang, karena eh karena anak kelas 12 masuk pagi.. mungkin biar anak kelas 12 bisa lebih berkonsentrasi kali...

pas baru datang, gw liat temen-temen gw lagi ngumpul di kantin...
langsunglah gw jbjb sama mereka... pas gw jb gitu, temen gw Aca langsung nanya ke gw "sar, lu bisa main lagu ini engga??" sambil menyodorkan hp-nya. gw langsung dengerin lagu yg dimaksud tersebut.
gw engga berpikiran untuk menjawab bisa, jadi gw jawab engga tau.. gw bilang gw janji bakal main lagu ini, karena lagunya mirip banget sama lagu Canon-nya Pachelbel.....

awalnya engga kepikiran dan engga bakal nyangka bisa kayak gini, tapi tau-tau udah kejadian aja... mungkin emang god's plan. Aca nanya sama salah satu orang (kebetulan, tiba2 orang itu masuk ke kantin) apakah bisa atau engga mainin lagu itu di keyboard... karena Aca suka banget sama lagu itu..  orang itu cuma nge-jawab "susah, serius deh" dan disitu gw ngerasa aneh aja sama orang itu, dia itu emang bisa engga sih main piano??? disitu gw langsung nanya juga, gimana caranya dia main dan teknik fingering-nya, trus orang itu jawab kalo caranya dia seperti "ini".. akhirnya gw minta ajarin sama dia, mungkin aja orang itu lebih hebat dari gw. ending dari this conversation adalah orang itu memberikan nomor hp-nya, katanya "kalo lu mau belajar, sms aja ke gw" gitu.

kesan pertamanya sih kaku gitu ngobrol sama orang itu, tapi lama-lama ngerasa nyambung aja, karena hal yang diomongin sama-sama hal yang kita ngerti.. dan mulailah gw dengan beribu pemikiran muncul di otak gw "gimana gw sms-nya, kapan waktunya, kalo misalnya orang itu engga bisa gimana??" dari situllah gw pending dulu plan gw buat sms dia. alasan lain adalah karena nyali gw engga terlalu cukup buat sms dia....

besoknya, gw ngumpul bareng temen-temen lagi, dan gw ngasih tau Aca kalo gw bisa main lagu yang dimaksud itu, pas lagi asyik cerita suddenly, he came and Aca nyapa orang itu, Aca told him that i can play the song... he just replied w/ smile..  abis itu gw lupa apa yang udah terjadi dan tiba-tiba aja gw udah ngobrol sama orang itu.. we just talked about music, music instruments, and the end of the conversation he gave me a tip how to choose a "best" music instruments... oh well, i thought we were like a bluetooth.. "connect when we're around"

until the day almost come, finally we both met and got an "adorable" exercise...
first, when i begged my teacher that i want to borrow his keyboard they said "the keyboard was borrowed by him" ... oh yeah that's bad news... i'm not brave enough to asked him..... heeeeyyyyaaaa -_-
finally my friends asked him.. then he replied "why don't you come in??" i said "no" so, he just replied "ok, where are you will be on??" i said "in my class"...

in my class my friends and i ate together, then suddenly he came w/ his friends..
well, i was getting nervous... heeyyyaa i dont know why, just looked at him then look away.. i was looking for something to do but i got nothing... and finally he got my attention.... he played my favorite song that remind me about "R" then i get closer to him and yelling "omg!! please dont played this song... it just reminds me about him" he asked "why??" i said "no, no it's okay"  then  he replied "well, it's okay tell me, tell me what happened" .... oh well finally i told him what was going on....

an hour later, viki begged me to accompany her to buy something to eat, so i did....
then, viki told me that i got "crush" w/ him.... ohyeah, it's hardly believe... did i look so elated when i was w/ him??? oh yeah, i never know that.. but viki told me, again and again..... ok i thought that it just her opinion... let it flow

one day before the perfomance, all the students who participate the show must be on the 5th floor at 11am to rehearsal.... when i was on there he came by w/ his friend and just joined w/ us...
finally, it's time to him.. suddenly he played a "best, (now it's my favorite song") song that made me so dumbfounded!!! i felt the harmony, the melody and i got the comfort... i felt like i was on the skies...... then viki and alvi just told me "oh well, i thought he just wanna get your attention" oh noo..... i just smile and hid my face.. huuuuaaaaa omg he got my attention... then when he finished he went to ground floor.. while my friends said, i thought "you love him".  oh well, do i??? omg, i even dont ever want to love him even being his friend.... omg. got a headache.

after the moment... i feel i dont wanna stay away from him.. my eyes just looking for him... i'm so confused.. how about "R" ??? i dont want to forget him exactly.. but, from MOS 'till now i'm afraid to talk w/ him except for an "important" thing.. oh well, i dont know what's gonna happen next.. i just pray and being patient... yeah, being patient is the only way to get a happy-ending-story..... again: "...only way to get a happy...ending...story..." yeah, i believe that!!

now, wherever, and whenever i am.. i just wanna listening to that music... that will remind me about him, and exactly Canon by Pachelbel that remind me about "R" no exception... well, i think it seems like sedative