Monday, October 23, 2017

Show Time!

Hi, today’s class is closed. And I kinda hate that. If you know what I mean.

Last night, I promised myself, if the lecturers announce that the class will be closed, I will post something to this blog. And they did.

If you see my tweet almost a week ago, I tweeted something that I will be performing some performances in auditorium. Yes, after all this time, I finally faced the stage again. Not really stage. I wished that it would be on stage, but they put me on the corner of the room. What kind of performance? No, it’s not dance, but it’s a musical performance. Yessss, I was playing the piano again on a show.

You know the feeling right, when you finally do your passion again after so long? Wait, it was not piano. Well, I was a bit disappointed. Why? The committee said that the baby grand piano could be used on the final day, but the fact hmmm. I mean, if they at least say they cannot guarantee… hhmmm just forget it. At the end, I finally used the digital piano of the choir organization. It was Yamaha DGX, but I forgot the number of the DGX. The problem did not stop there. There was a problem with the external sustain pedal which made me had to play without the sound of sustain. But, thank God, the reverb covered the unsustained sound. The size of the keys was also a problem. It does not have graded hammer system. But overall, I like the sound of that digital piano. It has very touchable sound. I mean, yes, the bass is more dominated than the treble.

So, what song did I play? Yes, still the gorgeous song from Yiruma. It was River Flows In You. Why did I play that? You know, as the first performance of mine in my college, I just wanna impress everybody in that room with my playing even though I play it everyday, and many of you maybe get bored because I do not have any new song. Another thing was, I thought that that song is famous enough for everybody in that room-even the lecturers, so I would not leave everyone wondering with my playing like “whose song is this? What’s the title?” and so on. Another reason is, because I already mastered its chords hehehe… not to boast, but I just wanted to avoid the forgetfulness during my play. You know, that four-chord-changing is already out of my brain hehehe…

The second song was My Love by Westlife as usual, and the last was a song from the local artist of my country. But the last song, I did not sing it. I just accompanied my friend to sing it. That was not a performance that I expected, because I expected more. I did not know why, but I think they should have done it better on the sound system, so my friend and I could shake that audience with our performance. By the way, I feel honored, because the lecturer asked me to accompany them singing a song. The song was Let It Be by The Beatles. The feeling when the audience sang along with you and the lecturers was something! I've never experienced it. I think I got goosebumps at that time.

I still cannot give you the video of me playing that, because the committees have not shared it yet. But I just found out a picture of me which has so-annoying face, and I think awkward.

credit to the committee

My hope for the next performance is, at least the committee will say if they cannot provide the instrument, I will find out how to bring mine to the college. I believe I and my friend can do better than this one. And I hope, I can give another performance again with my friend on the next event. Wait, I wish that Annual Awards of the Faculty will be held this year, and I wish we can be there again! It is not about the pride, but it is about the feeling when I am in a backstage waiting for my turn to perform. It is never any other!

Tuesday, September 05, 2017


Hello everybody! It’s September now! It’s been six months since the last post I published. So many things happened of course.  

I’m just starting new semester now. Well, I’m not wishing to boast of something I’m going to tell, but I really want to tell you that I got a great thing in the last semester. Yes, it’s about the grade point! You know (well, we know) that everybody must have a dream about getting a high point in their study, and when they get it, it must be something. Okay, now you know my intention right? Yes, I got a perfect grade point last semester. I finally did!!!

No, don’t think it was easy. It was the super-duper hard semester. Well, maybe it’s not that much harder, because I believe there will be more challenges ahead. Why I said it so? It’s because there was one subject that forced us to put an extra effort to finish its assignment. Again, maybe not that much harder, but I think it was too much. Yes, too much. It was an individual assignment, and you had to do sixteen assignments by yourself. Wait, that was from one subject, not from other subjects. Can you imagine that? Wait, there was an extra assignment, it was something like mini thesis. Swear I want to laugh. I don’t know why sometimes I think it’s funny yet pathetic. I mean, I know that it’s always been the thing that college students face, and it’s not just me who feel this and complain this thing to the world hahaha, but I feel so pathetic doing this thing to my blog. I mean, yes, I think it’s funny for you guys that there is a 21-year-old student complaining about college life. Okay, maybe this story will give you an image about college life if you are about to enroll to the university. Yes, college life is not the same thing as you see in the movie. Bring one small notebook for all subjects, a bit shorter time in class rather than when in high school, graduate easily, and many things that seem amazing in a movie are not really real.

By the way, I’ve just analyzed something around me. I just found out that, many friends of mine who got high grade point, most of them are single. Wait, it’s not because they are unlucky in love, but it’s their decision. I believe they all have their own prince and princess, but maybe they are all like me who is not easily express what is inside the heart. But yes, maybe that point –having a prince or princess– makes them excited or be the reason why they are full of spirit to go to college. It just reminded me of what my sport teacher in junior school said, “It’s not a sin to be in love or to love someone, as long as it gives or leads you to do something positive. The matter is, they don’t change you to something you are not wishing to be” From there, it’s not a surprised they got it great. Well, it’s not totally right, it’s just my analysis. And maybe, not being in love makes them focus on one thing only.

Okay, I know I post something (again) that is not really important (you may call it junk) but I don’t know why writing makes me feel better. It’s just like something is missing when I don’t write anything. So, why English, not my own language? Because I think it will accustom me to use every single grammar and other technical English structures as you know that I don’t and will never take any non-academic course to learn. I just rely on knowledge that I got in primary, junior, and high school, college, and from books that I bought definitely. If you take a look at my past post, especially in the first year after I made this blog, the grammar was sooo ‘something’ hahahahaha but I’m not saying that I’m doing zero mistakes now. I believe that there are some mistakes I made in every post that I published.

Okay, back to the first topic. I usually ask my parents for a gift if I achieve something that makes them proud of me (well, they should be) hehehe. But I think I’m not going to do so, because I already got what I wanted. Yes, it was the very lovely music instrument. Not the real instrument, but it’s the digital/electric version, and at least it has graded-hammer-system key. Yes, it was too expensive for me and my family to buy that real piano. But wait, I was not fully asking my dad to pay that damn music instrument. I put a very hard effort to ask my dad so he would buy me that. I offered him that I would pay 40% of the price, and then magic happened. Yes, it took years for me to collect the money because it was only from my piggy bank. If you ask me why piano, I would say I don’t know. I just know that piano was the first thing I ask to my mom when I was 4th, yes I do remember that. At the same age too, I asked a magician to turn the chewing candy into a baby grand piano (I was so innocent, okay). I thought that piano was the only music instrument that has a touchable sound that leads you to sleep maybe violin is the second one. I mean, you can give it a try on your favorite song. Play the song on a piano or it’s usually called instrumental version, and believe me that everything will change in a second.

You think it’s a long post? I think so ;) Sorry! But, I think it’s funny if I divide it into two or three posts just because it’s too much and I haven’t publish any post lately. Anyway, If did so, I would be very confused to give the title of each post ;)

Yes, the conclusion of this post is the struggle was real! Both to get a perfect grade point and to get the thing that I had been dreaming of since I was a kid. I've always said that 'be patient, because it is all worth the wait'. Why? Because it is!

Cheers! Thanks for the visit!

Monday, February 06, 2017


Hi, bloggy! What's up? It is already a new year. Well I named it as January because I want to tell you everything that has happened in this month.

Yes, I am finally done with the final exam and….. I got a great score OMG! Actually my previous score is better than the recent semester 😆 You know the feeling when you got something beyond your expectation, right? Hehehe. Not to show off, but just want to tell you that the recent semester was so insane. The struggle was so real. There was one subject that I really had a doubt at when I input it to the form. I had known it that the subject would have been the hardest one ever and I was right. The class schedules were also the reason why the semester was a challenge, because it broke my sleeping time. Oh yes, there was a class on Saturday. Yes that means I only had a day to take a rest. But the fact that I finally can finish and pass that so-boring and exhausting subject. By the way, I feel honored because one of my lecturer trusted me and two of my friends to help her finishing her work, and… I got paid hehehe. This was the first time I helped my own lecturer and got paid. Okay let us move to another topic.

I want to tell you that I found a song, not found it actually. The real story was when I was listening to a song on Spotify, suddenly the suggested song played, it is called 'Echo' by Jason Walker. I usually skip the suggested song, but I listened to it until the end of the song because of the catchy melodies and of course the chord progression. If you know that, I really love a song that contains Csus2-G-Em-Dsus4 chord progression, so when the first time the song was playing I knew that I would not skip it. The song itself told about a person who is wondering why and where everybody is, in another word it is kind of desperate song. Yes it is. I think this is the most desperate song ever. Actually this song is not a song that can express myself, because I hate being so melancholic though I can feel the emotions in this song. But I think it is good enough to be your lullaby :) You can click the photo below to listen on YouTube. 

Anyway, about the song that I mentioned on my previous post, a song which reminds me about him or I usually call it as a soundtrack of my romance hehehe 😁 it is called 'I Won't Give Up' by Jason Mraz. I think you guys know it because it is a famous song. I often found that this song is played on some local radio stations, thus makes me smile like I am the happiest person in the world. Click the photo to listen the song on YouTube. Anyway, I like the cover of this song that is done by Christina Grimmie, click here to listen and watch the video. 

Wait, I almost forget. At the first week of this month, I watched a drama performance. The drama was called 'Death of a Salesman', it was adopted from Arthur Miller's work with the same title. It was a bit different than any dramas that I have watched before. I usually watch a drama that using our/my native language, but in this drama they were using English, so I had to pay more attention to hear what they were saying so I could understand the plot because I am not good enough at listening to English conversation.

Finally, the next topic is… him. Sorry. But I have to put him in this post. Why? Because this is my blog. Okay forget it. Nothing changes. Because I am afraid to go further. Rejection is still the reason why I am still standing here. But I am happy with the situation I am getting in. I mean, just seeing him in a distance, bumping to one another in the most-famous intersection in campus without saying anything, getting caught when I look at him, being trapped inside the same traffic light, these are like a remedy even though when these things happened I felt like I was a t-rex having a stroke, I mean it was scared me to death omg but I loved it hehehe 😅 but still my biggest will is talk to him.


Okay I think that is enough for this post. It seems like it is a long post. Maybe it is kind of a revenge because I could not post anything in the last two months that is caused by the tight schedules. Do not ever get bored to visit this blog of mine. Have a fabulous day, everyone! ☺