Monday, October 06, 2014

End or Beginning?

As I said on my previous post. I finally give up. Now, I'm thinking of what should I do. Because my biggest dream is gone. I don't know do I still have the chance to go to New York. Because I think the only way to get is get the scholarship. And the big quota of scholarship is in art.
I don't know this is the end or the beginning of new tale start. Because I do believe in happy ending story. As I said before, when it's bad story you're still in process but when it's fantastic you're already get what you need the most.
Well, now I'm thinking of what major should I take for my new one. Still, my biggest dream is be in NY. Live my life in the most popular country in the world for a lifetime. And marry with person who's part of this.
There's something in my vision that I believe someday I'll be like Shane and David. Has a great fans all over the world. But I doubt because I don't own that golden voice. Hahahaha LOL.

Back to topic.
The dance. Dancer. Teacher.
I published the post about it a year ago. But the dream was built seven years ago.
If you have any suggestion of my new major please contact me on my twitter. And you have to tell me about the plus and minus sections. I have to know about that and exactly my future when I successfully get it.
But there's one thing I wanna reach is, how to make this agoraphobia gone. If you have an experience with this one please contact me. I really wanna forget this symptom. It  appears just because this anxiety. If it someday clear, I will be the happiest person in the world so I can get and catch everything that I've been dreaming of.
God, you know what I want but you know what I need. Explain me about all the things I can't understand. Don't make me blind about this.
Maybe this time I'm down the stairs. But someday, I do believe I will be at the top. I do believe in fairy tale and happy ending story.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

New Tale.

Hi bloggie, what's up? How's life?
I'm currently doing my new activities as a new student in my college. I feel so blessed was accepted in this college that I've been dreaming of. But I think, what I thought is not what's happening in this reality. Thought it would be an amazing life. Let's see how far I can survive.

I'm still looking around me. A Man. Someone new that really can change me. But still I haven't found it yet. Still have one wish that someday maybe I can be at the place where I can think that I can get everything on there... Yes, NYC.

Life. Can you explain me what is it exactly? Until now, I'm still reading, watching, and understanding what it is. In time, sometimes I feel like I really know it, but sometimes I feel so dumb. Like, I can understand when I got fantastic moment but not when it's bad. Wondering why, why God creates happy and sad together, laugh and cry. Why can't God just give us something that never hurt us. I don't know. It'll always be a mysterious.
There's one thing that I know, God never let us lost. Always there's a way. But... sometimes I can't understand.

We're born with different attitude, ability, emotions, face, gesture. I can understand to those who have a good attitude but not a bad one. Maybe that's the reason why we are so unique. Can you just explain me what's the meaning of life. I bet, you're better than me. There's one thing I can understand is, end is where the beautiful part stops. If it's not then you're still in process.

About new friends in college, I can't give you comments. I'll give it when I know them a lot. I never want to be an underestimate thinker. But I think, they are all better than me. Maybe best.
I successfully stopped drinking coffee. But, the doctor said it's good for my health. What should I do?

I've been a good listener, but now I wanna end that habit. Now, I want to be a teller. Actually, I'm so lazy to tell you something none of your business. Okay, just stop being a teller. I'm not a listener anymore.

Dear God, you know my biggest wish. Make them right and come true, God. Amen.
By the way, I love the new look of this blog of mine. Thanks for the visit. I love you my readers!

Friday, August 08, 2014

Mudik Singkat.

Minggu, 27 Juli sore gue berangkat nih ke bogor. Biasalah ke rumah nenek gue. Sampainya disana malemnya baca doa gitu buat nyambut hari raya besok.
Besokannya, gue sama kelurga gue yang lain sholat ied di Masjid deket rumah nenek. Biasanay gue sholatnya di Lapangan Kampus IPB, tapi karena bangun kesiangan jadi yang deket aja gitu hehehe.
Pulangnya gue sama sepupu gue yang lain pada sibuk sama gadgetnya masing-masing. Tapi ada yang engga punya pulsa nih. Ada yang bawa laptop sama tablet tapi engga bisa koneksi internet.
Tada! Untung nih smartphone gue itu Smartfren new andromax i. Gue aktifin tuh yang namanya wifi hotspot portable, ya pastinya terep gue password-in biar aman. Tiap gadget gue yang konekin wi-fi nya biar engga ketauan pass-nya :D Smartfren gue sebelumnya udah gue aktifin paket smartfren connex yang unlimited sebulan. Murah nih cuma 50rb perbulan tapi engga murahan ya :) kita bisa dapetin koneksi yang cepet banget, bahkan sepupu gue yang bawa laptop itu diem-diem update windowsnya yang berukuran 400mb lebih sampai selesai. Ini pasti karena teknologi EVDO rev.A yang 100% setara dengan 3G!
Oiya, yang gue suka dari hp smartfren new andromax i gue ini dilengkapin sama kamera beresolusi 5MP auto fokus dan lengkap dengan flash-nya. Jadi gue seneng kalo ngambil gambar atau apapun dari jarak dekat, gue berasa memakai kamera digital yang canggih dan tentunya mahal hahaha!
Rabu, 30 Juli pagi. Gue, bonyok, adek, dan tante gue mau pergi ke pantai pangandaran. Gue kira itu jalan tol udah sepi, ternyata meeeen macet sampai empat jam baru mau masuk gerbang tol ciawi. Yah, sekedar menikmati perjalan aja deh. Cuma liatin info lalu lintas di twitter. Dan sesekali dengerin dari radio langsung dari hp andromax gue ini.
Setelah lepas keluar dari GT Ciawi, perjalanan berlanjut ke Puncak dan Cianjur. Di Cianjur kira ketemu lagi nih yang namanya m-a-c-e-t π_π Sampai empat jam lagi macetnya. Akhirnya kita berenti dulu di salah satu rumah makan buat makan siang, sambil nunggu macetnya terurai bro. Lumayan kan bisa selonjorin kaki dulu. Udahnya kita cuss lagi nih lanjutin perjalanan. Untungnya niiiiih, gerbang tol cileunyi sepi coy! Padahal sehari sebelumnya masih padat. Keluarnya dari situ langsnung menuju ke arah nagreg. Dan ternyataaaaa di cicalengka macet parah dan katanya sampai cagak nagreg. WOW! Bogor-Bandung di tempuh dalam waktu 12Jam men! Biasanya cuma 3-4 Jam.
Pas di Cicalengka gue mampir dulu ke SPBU buat beli makanan kecil. Soalnya tante gue puasa jadi sekalian buka puasa juga. Cus lagi nih kita. Dan ternyata bener nih, macetnya sampai cagak nagreg bahkan sampe perbatasan kota Tasik T_T. Niatnya berangkat dari rumah dari pagi buta biar sampai pantai Pangandaran sore dan engga terlalu panas mataharinya, eeeehhh ternyata gue nginep di jalan coy! Tapi engga apa apa sih, kalo sampai nanti tengah malem belum nyampe, gue sekeluarga bakal nginep dulu nih di rumah Kakek gue yang tinggal di Banjar.
Oiya nih, gue baru inget! Pas gue liat hp gue, ternyata sinyal-nya penuh nih! Engga ada matinya! Gue kira gue engga bakalan dapet sinyal udah di daerah sini, ternyata gue salah! Dan kerennya lagi, gue engga perlu repot-repot registrasi ulang buat dapetin kode wilayah yang lagi gue singgahi ini :)
Sampai besok pagi akhirnya gue membatalkan untuk pergi ke pantai dan singgah dulu di rumah Kakek gue di Banjar, Jawa barat. Dan keren lagi nih! Sinyal smartfren disini udah ada! Padahal setau gue empat tahun yang lalu, saat hp gue masih smart D1200P (hehehe masih jadul =D) disini belum terjangkau sinyal smartfren. Salut deh sama smartfren! Andromax new I gue ini udah android jelly bean 4.1 jadi gue seneng banget nih bisa download app sosial media Path. Hahahaha
Hal yang sama juga gue lakuin di rumah Kakek gue ini. Mulailah adek adek sepupu gue sibuk nanyain pin bb dan lain sebagainya itu tapi mereka engga ada pulsa alias engga bisa koneksi internet, akhirnya gue mengandalkan fitur wifi hotspot andromax gue lagi nih... =) dan mereka akhirnya senang bisa ber-internet dengan gratis dari gue hahaha.
Tapi waktu gue engga banyak nih, gue dan keluarga gue harus pulang lagi ke Bogor dan tentunya pergi ke Pantai Pangandaran dulu. Itu adalah waktu tersingkat dan pertama kalinya gue ke kampung gue dengan waktu yang sangat sangat singkat. Sampai di Banjar itu jam tujuh pagi, sementara gue berangkat dari Bogor jam enam pagi di hari sebelumnya. Dan jam dua belas siangnya gue kembali melakukan perjalanan menuju ke pantai Pangandaran dan tentunya pulang lagi ke Bogor.
Perjalan ke Pantai Pangandaran pun engga lepas dari yang namanya macet. Kita sampai sana itu sekitar jam lima sore. Dan akhirnya gue engga jadi berenang! π_π cari parkir aja susahnya minta ampun. Dan akhirnya kita cuma parkirin mobil di pinggir jalan, dan turun sebentar ke pantai sekedar foto, dan main pasir. Tapi bokap sama sodara gue berenang sih walau cuma sebentar banget.
Setelah selesai keluar dari pantai Pangandaran kita memutuskan akan pulang lewat tol Cipularang, bukan lewat Puncak lagi.
Sampainya di Bogor, ternyata Tante gue yang dari Australia baru datang! Dan kita pun dimanjakan sama cokelat cokelat dan kacang macadamia yang dia bawa dari sana. Lumayan lah setelah sekian lama perjalanan ‘abadi' itu ditempuh sampainya di rumah langsung disuguhkan sama cemilan dewa itu.
Sekianlah mudik tahun ini. Biasanya gue bisa stay di kampung sampai dua minggu lebih tapi tahun   kurang dari dua belas jam. Hahahaha. Oiya, semoga hasil uang thr lebaran ini bisa buat beli hp smartfren andromax Z! Amiiin 0=)

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Cofscone 2014 part I.

Two years ago.
We were nothing.
Met unknown faces.
Unknown names.
Like strangers.
Now. . .
1. Bedul: ketua kelas menjabat dua tahun. Menurut gue cogannya ipa satu. Tapi kalah kece sama cowok inceran gue. Hahahaha. Kalo kata bu lubna mirip pa Ahok. Baik. Kadang pendiem. Sangat sangat manusia yang soleh! Mainnya sama jawa, ahim, and icas terus. Tapi tetep membaur sama yg lain. Semoga sukses dul!
2. Aca: temenan dari kelas satu. Tadinnya duduk berdua sama dia, eh dipindahin sama bu lisbeth. Suka sama bang dimz17 and depapepe. Pendiem. Tapi kalo udah ceritain aria, kayak kereta di depan basecamp. Hahahaha. Semoga cita-cita lu semua terwujud ca!
3. Putra: Pendiem banget. Gamer. Rajin banget bawa laptop tapi cuma buat main game. Sering banget bawa bekel. Pinter fisika. Tapi kalo udah marah serem. Bang genderuwo kalah serem kali. Gue udah takut kalo liat dia marah. Semoga lancar di unbraw put!
4. Dinda Prames: Lucu. Gue seneng kalo denger ketawanya. Sering dijailin sama Ariel atau engga bopak. Kejajaran sama dua orang itu. Baik. Perasa. And selalu senyum! Good luck ya dinda :)
5. Dinda Yolan: Pendiem. Suka protes. Rambutnya panjang. Engga pernah liat dia berambut pendek. Lucu. Sering banget beli indomie. Baik. Sukses dimo :)
6. Ahim: Rocker-nya ipa satu. Keren banget klo udah main gitar listrik. Berasa nonton metalica. Di panggil pa haji sama pa juber. Baik. Pernah duduk sebangku sama dia. Tukang tidur. Kalo jalan dengak sambil ngibas poni. Keep stand up for your music and get the fucked up, bro! Sukses!
7. Icas: sekelas dari kelas satu. Kadang lucu suka ngelawak. Mirip vidi aldiano sama pembawa acara brownies di trans7. Pinter. Anak futsal. And punya kaka badai bingit. Hehehehe sukses yee cas!
8. Jawa: jarang ngomong sama dia. Cuma (kayaknya) sekali doang karna baca pantun berdua pas pelajaran bu arlina. Suaranya lucu. Sering cabut (menurut absen). Yah gitulah. Pacarnya adek kelas. Sukses juga yeee, jawaa.
9. Aje: sekelas dari kelas satu. Pertama kenal karna ngajak pulang bareng pas mos. Hahahaha. Paling suka nawar kalo lagi belanja. Pendiem tapi pinternya lebih dari gue. Hehehe...Semoga anda sukses buu Ajee!
10. Isma: Ibu-nya ipa satu. Karna paling tua. Omongannya just like mario teguh. Paling dicari kalo seorang cofsconer butuh kata² bijak. Hehehe semoga sukses yaaa, Ma kuliahnya!
11. Bella: the girl who loves secondhand serenade. Maybe not that much. But she has always watched his gigs on JakCloth. Kalo kata nyokap gue mirip banget sama kakak sepupu gue. Pinter. Bahkan pinteran dia daripada gue. Hehehe. Wish you luck and prettier, Bell!
12. Bayu: Truly pak Haji-nya cofscone. Bodyguard setianya pak juber walau pak juber sendiri yaaaa begitu deh. A smarter man than me. Mungkin dia hafal 30juz Al-Qur'an. Hehehe. Sukses yak, Bayu.
13. Yuli: dipanggil neng. Bukan neng zaskia gotik tapi yak. Kalo main gitar pasti yang di mainin lagu Your Call-nya John vesely. Baik. Pernah beli binder warna abu² sama my crush. Yes gue inget sangat. Dulu sering gue pinjem bb-nya buat liatin PM-nya kakak kelas itu. Hehehe, sukses yaa yul kuliahnyaaa.
14. Daffa: bukan daffa-nya sri si onye ongol² yak. Sangat pendiem. Kelas 3 sebangku sama gue. Tapi gue mungkin 95% engga pernah menyinggahi bangku sebelah daffa. Hehehe sorry yak. There's one thing that I can't tell to you guys. I'm sure you know what it is. Hp-nya sering dipinjem sama andi buat denger lagu sampe low. Sukses yaaa daffa di jerman.
15. Andi: pernah berantem sama emak because something. Dan nyuruh gue ke rumah emak buat belain. Dan untung emak sangat percaya. Padahal gue yaaa gituu Wkwkwk. Kalo bukan krn pelajaran gue engga mau panas²an berjam² naik motor ke tangerang ♦_♦. Sukses ndii. Semoga bisa beli drum satu set. Jangan ibanez, pearl dong!
16. Ikah: ibu ketar. Ketua Arisan. Kenal dari kelas satu walopun engga sekelas lewat perantara christin ipa 2. Kadang bawel. Pinter mtk-nya. Serius dah. Liatin aja nilai-nya. Kalo di bis ngobrolnya paling keras (menurut gue). Suka berangkat bareng karna ketemu di terminal. Parfumnya paling semerbak di kelas. Sumpah kah. Hehehe. Jangan galau mulu yesh. Suksees yaa kaaah..
This is not the end of the post. Please wait just for a few days. :)
Yang belum ada di daftar. Nunggu part II yaaa.. My fingers are tired. But, I don't wanna miss write something about you guys. Note, this post just for remind me of you guys. And this post is based on what I saw and felt about you guys. Please don't be angry. And feel free if you wanna leave a comment. Thank you, guys for the visit. May God bless us always. And see you at the top! ♥♥♥

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Shane Filan - Everything To Me Lyrics

Verse 1

If life was like a jigsaw, where would you start?
You think you’ve got the picture like it’s written on your heart
You lay out all the pieces, one by one
But if you stare at it too closely, the answer never comes

So I take a breath cos I need time to figure this all out
I got lost inside what I thought I need but I understand now.

Cos I don’t need the sunlight shining on my face
And I don’t need perfection to have the perfect day
I just want to see you happy, a smile on your face
Nothing else matters
Cos you’re everything to me, to me, to me
You’re everything to me
Verse 2

Can you tell me where I’m going? Tell me what comes next
Cos I know that it’s not over, haven’t even started yet
I just want to get there but I hope it’s not too late
Cos the closer that I’m getting, the more I feel the weight
Let’s take a breath, take our time to figure this all out
I got lost inside what I thought I need but I understand now.

Cos I don’t need the sunlight shining on my face
And I don’t need perfection to have the perfect day
I just want to see you happy, a smile on your face
Nothing else matters
Cos you’re everything to me

All that I thought I want is not what I really need
You’re right here front of me
No I don’t need the sunlight shining on my face
And I don’t need perfection to have the perfect day
I just want to see you happy, a smile on your face
Nothing else matters. No, nothing else matters
Cos I don’t need the sunlight shining on my face
And I don’t need perfection to have the perfect day
I just want to see you happy, a smile on your face
Nothing else matters. No, nothing else matters
Yeah I don’t need the sunlight shining on my face
And I don’t need perfection to have the perfect day
I just want to see you happy, a smile on your face
Nothing else matters. No, nothing else matters
Cos you’re everything to me, to me, to me
You’re everything to me

Shane Filan - Once Chords

This is my first tab. I did and found this just by hearing and helped by the keyboard and guitar. So, I'm sorry if there is a mistake. Thanks for your consideration :)

Verse 1

G                                     D
We worry about work, worry about money
                     Em                C
worry if the punch line’s funny
G                         D                    C
We worry if the sky is gonna fall
G                                         D
We worry about winning, worry about losing
Em                                            C
Worry about the roads we’re choosing
G                           D                             C
We worry if that someone’s gonna call
        C             Em
We spend so much precious time tryna 
Figure out
                  C                           Em
What this crazy maze of a beautiful world 
Is all about

                   C                      G
So kick on back, fill your cup
             Em                                          D
Put on your favourite song, turn it up
            C                      G                    D
Find a little peace of mind in the sunshine
                                C                               G
Don’t waste your days looking at the clock
          Em                                      D
Say i love you to the ones you got
                        C                 G
Don’t leave a lifetime of rights
on the wrong side
                                G        D     C
‘Cos you only live once, once, once
                       G        D        G
you only live once, once, once

Verse 2
                             G                                      D
We worry about truths, we worry about lying
                                       Em              C
We worry about how much we’re trying and
                G                 D                  C
When it’s all gonna come to an end

We spend so much precious time tryna figure out
What this crazy maze of a beautiful world is all about

So kick on back, fill your cup
Put on your favourite song, turn it up
Find a little peace of mind in the sunshine
Don't waste your days looking at the clock
Say i love you to the ones you got
Don’t leave a lifetime of rights
on the wrong side
                                G        D        Em    C
‘Cos you only live once, once, once
                       G        D       C         D
you only live once, once, once
Oh oh
C       G         D
once, once, once

So kick on back, fill your cup
Put on your favourite song, turn it up
Find a little peace of mind in the sunshine yeah
Don’t waste your days looking at the clock
Say i love you to the ones you got
Don’t leave a lifetime of rights
on the wrong side yeah
‘Cos you only live once, once, once
you only live once, once, once

Yeah you only live once, once, once
You only live once, once, once

Thursday, January 09, 2014

Shane Filan - Beautiful In White Lyrics

C                               G
I'm not sure if you know this
Am                   Em
But when we first met
F            C
I got so nervous
F                G
I couldn't speak

C                  G
In that very moment
Am               Em
I found the one and
F                     C
My love had found its
F              C
Missing piece


           C                      G
So as long as I live I love you
Am                   Em
Will have and hold you
F                   C                  F       G
You look so beautiful in white
                 C                          G
And from now 'til my very last breath
Am               Em
This day I'll cherish
F                   C                  F         G
You look so beautiful in white


C                           G
What we have is timeless
Am             Em
My love is endless
F                     C        F                G
And with this ring I say to the world
C                          G
You're my every reason
Am                     Em
You're all that I believe in
F                  C          F                   G
With all my heart I mean every word


(One octave higher, played in D)

And if a daughter's what our future hold
I hope she has your eyes
Finds love like you and I did
But if she's fall in love we'll let her go
I'll walk in down the aisle
She'll look so beautiful in white

(One octave higher, played in E)

Shane chose "Canon by Pachelbel" to be used as the basic song. So, if you know that song, just follow the same chords. But, so many version of "Canon" that can make you being confused if you haven't heard the other yet. Thanks for coming. Feel free to leave a comment :)

Team Filan. Filaners. Westlifers.