Tuesday, December 31, 2013


I wanna flashback all my memories. Actually, I wanna share the beautiful memories with him in this year. But the truth there's nothing special with him in this year. Because this year is their happiness, joy, and where their beautiful romance start. The cupid wasn't in me. OK. Let me share.

Ini bermula ketika marching band sekolah kembali "hidup". Gue yang emang dari SD selalu memilih ekskul ini ikutan bergabung. Walaupun waktu itu gue dan temen gue doang yang senior. Tapi tetep gue ikut ekskul ini. Karena siapa tau gue bisa mengikuti lomba marching band yang "dulu" selalu diikuti oleh SD gue di "Tennis Indoor, Gelora Bung Karno". Dan kalian tau sendiri bahwa tennis indoor adalah tempat "Konser Westlife" diadakan. Mungkin gue bisa memainkan imajinasi gue untuk membayangkan gue ikut bernyanyi sama Westlife khususnya Shane Filan di atas panggung. But that was just hope. Because they are disbanded now. That's the baddest news for all the Westlifers in the whole world. By the way, Tahun ini menjadi tahun keberuntungan buat gue, karena gue bertemu Shane Filan pada 3 Oktober 2013 secara gratis diacara Sarah Sechan! Thanks God for the chance! Dan satu lagi, tahun ini adalah tahun dimana John Vesely atau yang biasa dikenal Secondhand Serenade memfollow balik akun twitter gue dan membalas mention gue! Itu merupakan kebahagiaan kecil berlapis keberuntungan yang maha dahsyat!

Back to topic.

Ketika itu gue memegang alat musik "belira". Kalau harfiahnya itu kolintang dalam bentuk lempeng besi, bukan kolintang yang di bentuk dari sebilah bambu. *Ke-sotoy-an gue tentang musik kambuh*. Gue yang disitu merupakan senior, disuruh  untuk mendata adek kelas gue. Dan harus selalu memanggil mereka kalau latihan mau dimulai. Mulailah gue berkenalan dengan adek kelas yang pada memegang alat yang sama. Pada saat itu gue nanya sama satu anak sebut saja namanya "Andria" gue pun menanyakan kelas berapa dan berlanjut ke sebelahnya. Yang akhirnya gue kenal dengan temannya, sebut saja "Firda". Setelah sesi perkenalan itu gue mulai ngobrol-ngobrol banyak dengan adek kelas itu. Yang berakhir dengan Andria meledek Firda dengan menyebut nama seorang cowok, yang membuat "spider sense" gue bekerja cepat menangkap obrolan mereka. Gue langsung noleh ke mereka dan spontan bertanya "SIAPA? Tadi kamu bilang Siapa?" Langsunglah kedua adek kelas ini mengelak satu sama lain. Dan gue memohon banget agar mereka mengulang nama yang baru aja mereka sebut, biar gue memastikan yang mereka sebut itu bener adanya yaitu namanya "David". Dan benar aja. Tiba-tiba mereka langsung bertanya "Ka emang kenapa? Cerita dong." Gue yang pada saat itu engga tau kalo Firda itu juga "love" and "had been try to get" him bercerita panjang lebar apa aja yang selama ini gue harapin, tentang moment- moment sama dia dan apa yang gue rasain semua gue tumpah ruahkan ke kedua adek kelas ini. Dan setelah itu pun setiap sesi latihan maupun ketika berpapasan di koridor Firda selalu memberikan support dan dukungan kepada gue yang saat itu emang "had(ve) been try(ing) to get him dengan kata-kata "Ka semangat ka." Tapi emang setelah sesi gue menumpah ruahkan segala sesuatu tadi gue udah ada feeling "she loves him too". Tapi karena melihat Firda selalu memberi gue semangat, perasaan itu gue buang jauh-jauh.

Sampai suatu ketika. . .

Sebut saja nama adek kelas satu ini "Mutia". Yang pada malam hari sms ke Hp gue yang berisikan "Ka Syari, Ka David jadian ._." Gue berasa disamber petir. *Walaupun gue engga tau rasanya*. Mulailah dari situ kerenggangan antara gue dengan Firda terjadi. Gue engga marah. Gue sangat bahagia ketika David got what he wanted. It's nice when I see him happy even though that's not because of me. Because I know, the more I love him, is the more I have to let him go. Ketika latihan marching band berikutnya gue sama sekali engga ada semangat banget. Bahkan ketika istirahat latihan, gue melihat motornya dia melintas didepan gue dan berhenti di lapangan basket buat menghampiri Firda. Di lapangan upacara gue memasang telinga gue dengan volume paling keras, dan ternyata teman-teman Firda sedang memberikan ucapan selamat. Gue hanya memandangi tuts tuts belira itu dengan tatapan kosong. Lama bagi mereka ngobrol di lapangan basket itu sampai akhirnya waktu istirahat latihan selesai dan mulai lagi sesi latihan kedua. Disaat anak-anak marching telah memegang alat masing-masing, gue engga ngeh kalo pelatih marching lagi ngajak ngobrol gue sampai dia membunyikan stik drum-nya dihadapan gue untuk menyadarkan gue dari tatapan kosong itu. Dia pun bertanya "Kamu kenapa?" Gue yang kaget cuma jawab "Eh, maaf ka. Engga apa-apa kok." Lalu dia mengajak gue untuk latihan dengan yang lainnya. Sesaat setelah gue kembali ke dunia nyata gue, gue melihat di sudut barisan dia tampak "bersedih". (Dia bukan bagian belira lagi, melainkan simbal). Entah yang gue liat bener apa engga, tapi gue sangat sangat sangat yakin, there's tears fill her eyes. And I don't know what it meant.

Dan ketika itu pula gue berfikir kalo gue telah bercerita/ curhat kepada orang yang salah. Tapi kenapa dia selalu memberi gue support agar selalu semangat akan usaha gue untuk mendapatkan Ka David. It takes my time just to thinking about this. And until now I can't get that summary.

Let the time answer all of my questions.

Dan, gue menyimpulkan flashback gue di tahun 2013 ini, senang dan sedih yang seimbang. Senang dalam hal hiburan tapi sedih dalam masalah kisah cinta gue yang dulu paling gue harapkan agar mendapatkan happy-ending stories. Semua diluar pikiran gue. Bahkan gue lupa kapan terakhir kali ka David menyebut nama gue. Yang biasanya setiap papasan selalu menyapa nama gue dengan senyumnya yang kece. *Bahkan iklan pasta gigi kalah kece senyumnya*

OK, at the last. I wish this new year will give me more happiness and joy. And let me know that I can say "I love him" and if God gives me permission wish he will say "I love her, too." Amen.

God, please make all his dreams come true, don't make him sad and disappoint. Make him always smile. Amen. You know I love him so much. And please bring me to New York. Amen.

Thank you, I love you. And, Happy New Year. :)

Monday, October 28, 2013


Why? Why he always in my mind? After all this time I never see him again, but still I always think about him. He haunted me. Sometimes, a little memory when I spent a little time with him appear in my mind. And wish that could start over and over again. God, why can't you erase my memories about him. That's too sweet to remember all those memories. When he came and was sitting next to me, I can't forget and always always always remember his  scent. Sweet smile, hair style, and his voice... He is totally amazing Man for me.
Gw sempat menemukan pujaan hati lainnya, yang juga menarik perhatian gw. Dan hal ini terjadi gara-gara sebuah seminar. Sempat berpikiran buat move-on saat kenal sama dia, tapi... There's so many reason why. Let me tell you.
His name is Fauzan.
Kece, keren, dan lumayan pinter, dia masuk kelas IPA. And, he can play guitar. But, not piano. Sempat juga spent a little time with him and his friends, dan dia juga udah mengucapkan sebuah kata sama gw "Welcome to My world". Dia bilang begitu pas lagi duduk-duduk santai bareng temen-temennya. Engga tau maksudnya apa, tapi gw anggap biasa aja, walaupun ada sebagian temen gw yang bilang itu adalah sebuah kode. Sempat GR sih, tapi sesaat doang. Hehee...
Dia sempat berpartisipasi dalam ulang tahun gw yang ke-17. Nulis sebuah ucapan di atas kertas origami warna ungu. That's sweet and I'm thankful to god for this. But that's not as sweetest as what David did on my 16th birthday. Confused...
Sometimes, I talk to Fauzan. Tapi ada sesuatu yang ganjel. Engga tau kenapa, ngobrol sama Fauzan engga senyaman ngobrol sama ka David. Walaupun ngobrol sama Fauzan sama deg-degannya kalo lagi ngobrol sama ka David. Sempat ada harapan. Yaaaa tapii gitu juga... "Harapan Kosong"
So, still. My choice and hope is in David. When all the memories appear, there's a hope that comes up.

Spent a little time with him and his friends. Walking down the streets together.. But he does not care. So different than David.

I do remember all those memories above. I wish and hope I can start it over and over again. David, I hope you hear me . . .

God, make all his dreams come true. I know he's trying to catch his dreams. Don't make him sad, please... Amen.

Tuesday, June 04, 2013

Sunday, June 02, 2013

A year ago. . .

A year ago.

When I was the part of the choir.

Satu tahun yang lalu pas dia masuk ke kelas gw, buat minta izin ke guru yang sedang mengajar di kelas gw bahwa gw dipilih untuk mengiringi anggota paduan suara pada saat acara wisuda angkatan 2012. Serentak seluruh anak di kelas men-cie-ciekan gw. Guru yang sedang mengajarpun tau, kalo gw suka sama dia. Guru itu cuma senyum-senyum ke gw. Walaupun pada akhirnya yang main keyboard-nya bukan gw, tapi gw tetap diikutsertakan menjadi anggota padus tersebut, dan gw mengundurkan diri untuk tampil sebagai salah satu anggota saman. Hanya untuk jadi anggota padus. Bareng dia.

Hari-hari latihan padus pun selalu bareng dia. Seeing him was singing and teaching how to sing to the others. Latihan hari rabu itu terbilang lama. Mungkin sampai sore hari. Saat itu dia sedang ada ulangan Pkn. Dia bilang: Sara, sebentar ya gw tinggal dulu. Gw ada ulangan pkn, engga lama kok. Pada saat itu jam kelasan gw kosong dan hanya gw dan dua temen gw di ruangan kelas itu, jadi gw stay sebentar di lantai empat itu buat latihan.

Selesainya dia ulangan, gw liat dia mengantongi sebuah pulpen. The color was blue. Dia menyambung lagi latihan yang udah dikasih tadi, tapi karena saat itu dia sedang mengikuti sebuah kompetisi akhirnya dia bilang: Gw balik duluan ya, gw harus jam empat sampai di GOR. Sebelum dia meninggalkan gw beserta dua temen gw, dia bertanya: Ini pulpen siapa ya? (sambil mengeluarkan pulpen yang dimaksud). Gw dan temen gw pun menjawab engga tau. Tiba-tiba dia menaruhnya dekat keyboard. Dan setelah itu dia keluar dari ruangan itu. Tanpa mengambil lagi pulpen tadi.

Sekarang, Pulpennya masih gw simpen. Gw menganggap itu punya dia. Dan sekarang pun masih gw simpen rapi. No one can touch that pen. If I miss him I just stare at that pen, and automatically the memories appear in my head. Maybe you think I’m crazy, but I bet my pet, you’ll do the same if you are falling in love with someone. You’ll see.

Ketika wisuda tiba. . .

Mata gw memandangi satu persatu orang yang ada dalam gedung tersebut, tapi gw engga nemuin apa yang gw cari. Terlambat. Ya, dia terlambat datang ke acara itu. Akhirnya, pengiring pun diganti oleh guru kesenian yang pada saat itu dia adalah guru baru di sekolah gw. Ketika kurang lebih 15 menit acara berlangsung dan anggota padus sedang bernyanyi, dia datang. Gw melihat dia melewati barisan kursi belakang dimana para orang tua murid duduk. Kira-kira berjarak lima meter dari gw, gw langsung berpura-pura melihat teks lagu yang sedang gw pegang. Dan……….. dia berdiri di sebelah gw yang pada saat itu gw baris di barisan paling luar. Sambi bernyanyi, dia bertanya sama gw: Udah telat ya? Gw hanya menjawab: Belum lama kok, ka. Setelah itu dia melewati barisan belakang anggota padus dan menghampiri guru yang sedang bermain keyboard itu. I do still remember what he was wearing on that graduation party. He was wearing a white shirt and jeans with a pair of his green sneakers. Mesmerizing me.

Saat bernyanyi pun, gw hanya melihat kearah dia. Seeing him and his pretty finger was playing that keyboard. Sometime, he looked so confused. Maybe he tried to remember the chords of the song. Maybe.

Lama banget buat anak padus untuk bernyanyi tanpa jeda saat puncak acara berlangsung. Ketika udah selesai anggota padus pun mendapatkan konsumsi untuk makan siang. But, where was him? I didn’t see him. Dia pun menghilang dari pandangan gw lagi. Gw pun terus membagikan makan siang itu ke kakak-kakak kelas yang sedang duduk di tempat mereka. Ketika selesai, gw engga langsung menyamber makanan yang ada di kotak itu. Hanya gw melihat ada apa aja yang bisa gw makan, tapi setelah gw liat, gw sama sekali engga tertarik buat makan itu semua. Mungkin karena gw udah menghabiskan dua roti dan sebuah susu kotak, makanya gw kenyang. Kotak makanan itu pun hanya gw pegangin di atas pangkuan gw. Tiba-tiba dia datang lagi.

--Dia langsung menanyakan: Masih ada lagi engga? Gw belum dapet nih. Gw pun menjawab: Yah, udah abis kak. Tadi kita dibagiin sama guru... Gw langsung berpikiran untuk memberi makanan gw dan akhirnya gw menyodorkan makanan gw ke dia. ”Nih ka, ambil aja punya aku. Aku udah kenyang kok kak”. Dia: Engga usah, buat kamu aja. Gw nyari lagi aja. Gw: Engga usah kak, seriusan ini, sama aku engga aku makan, soalnya tadi aku udah makan roti. Dia: Serius nih engga apa-apa?. Gw: Iya, engga apa-apa kok kak. Dari pada engga aku makan, kan mubazir. Dia: Yaudah, makasih ya...—
When I gave him my lunch when he has nothing to eat. And he received it. That made me overwhelmed. Entah kenapa seneng banget pas dia terima jatah makan gw itu. Setelah itu dia menghilang lagi. I didn’t know. Maybe he joined with his friends.

Setelah acara selesai, ada beberapa anggota padus yang stay sebentar di gedung itu. Pada saat itu semua anggota padus menggunakan seragam putih abu-abu. Tiba-tiba dia menghampiri gw dan bertanya: Sara, engga ganti baju?. Gw spontan menjawab: Engga kak, aku engga bawa ganti (sambil senyum kayak orang gila). Gw langsung berpikiran, how stupid I am. On that situation I didn’t bring another shirt. I didn’t understand what he meant. But, I thought he was care about me. I don’t care what you think about this. But I thought he showed that he was care… … …

Setelah berlama-lama bermain dengan keyboard itu dan nyanyi bareng anak-anak yang lain, gw pun memutuskan untuk pulang bareng temen gw. Sebelum pulang gw berpamitan sama anak-anak yang lain yang masih stay di sana dan pamit juga ke dia. Kira-kira udah sepuluh langkah gw jalan, tiba-tiba dia memainkan lagu favorit gw dengan keyboard itu. River Flows In You. Yeah… It made me shocked. I felt like he knew that it was my favorite song. Suddenly gw menoleh kearah dia, dan tiba-tiba dia juga melihat kearah gw lalu dia tersenyum. Gw pun membalas senyum dia dengan rasa bertanya-tanya… Sampai sekarang pun gw masih engga ngerti apa maksudnya dia… Can somebody help me to solve my question??? It was just like a drama, you know. And I always wish it was real… real… real… Maybe god has a good plan for me.

Satu tahun yang lalu. Dan beda suasananya dengan hari kemarin dia wisuda. Bahkan gw engga sempet berfoto berdua sama dia di hari terakhir angkatan dia sekolah. He looked so nice in a black long-shirt with a tie. Nice. Nice. Nice… And I don’t even talk to him even just to say hi or hello… I hate myself. When everybody took a pict with him but I just stood and stared like a stupid girl and let everything gone away. Maybe in another time and day I can do… I was just not brave enough to asked him…

God, please make all his dreams come true. I wanna see him happy. Don’t make him sad or disappointed. I wanna see him success someday, so I can see his sweet smile… Maybe five or ten years later…

Wish Us Luck.

YaAllah, terimakasih karena telah memperkenalkan saya kepada manusia seperti dia. Seorang kakak kelas yang baiknya kelewatan sama adek kelasnya. Seorang kakak kelas yang selalu tersenyum. Seorang kakak kelas yang mengajarkan saya sesuatu yang saya engga bisa kerjain. Seorang kakak kelas yang membuka mata saya bahwa "engga ada istilah senior galak sama junior". Seorang kakak kelas yang mengajarkan bagaimana cara bernyanyi yang benar, cara bermain piano yang benar dan mengajarkan lagu favorit saya. Seorang kakak kelas yang hanya mungkin ada 1:6 milyar orang di dunia ini.

Dear David,
May you come here as a pilot and share the experience with me.
May all your dreams come true.
Don't ever erase our memories.
Don't ever forget our moment when you were a student.
And don't ever give up.

Just got this. And maybe this is the last.

Saturday, March 30, 2013


I almost did it. Stay away from him. But, something happened that force me to do not do this anymore.

March 26th 2013.

He came to my class when I was studying the music lesson. When I was teaching how to play guitar with some my friends. And yeah, it made me….. surprised. Very surprised. He talked and announced about something important and interesting to tell. Maybe it took less than 15 minutes. When he finished, suddenly he walked and came around me and my friends. And do you know? He asked me “Sara, do you want to join?” That’s exactly made me shocked. Really shocked. I can’t say it enough. Right now, I’m still shock. I just replied with “No”. Maybe he didn’t know what was the reason behind it. I’ll tell. I loved when he called my name

He did this when I almost to get there, forget him, and stay away (Read: move on). I can’t do anything. Speechless? Of course. Nervous? Exactly. Elated? I guess you know the answer. Maybe almost a month I didn’t meet him. But when I met, he did a unbelievable thing. (to me). Finally I heard his voice, saw him face to face, and saw his adorable smile. God, why don’t you make me hate him? This is deep feeling, unspoken, undead, and endless love.

Here’s the reasons why I didn’t want to join the… competition.

- I hate to wear make-up. To all my friends, I’m sure you all know about this. I don’t know why. But I really hate this item. This always happened when I want to perform, emmm dance. Yes, dance. You know this is a part of the properties and terms. And I hate this. But I love dance. Forget it.

- I hate to wear… dress or else. I just love to wear t-shirt and jeans. That’s all. And I believe if I join the competition, this is part of the properties (I don’t know its name). And I never wear this. From my very first age until now, I never wear this and I even don’t have and don’t mind to buy one. At least I’ll never wear this.

- I hate to wear high heels. And I’m so sure this also one of the properties. And also, from my very first age until now I never wear this. Even when there’s a wedding party or else, I just wear my converse. And I don’t have it. None. Just mom’s.

So, dear Archie. I refused to join it’s not because I’m not interest in it. But I hate those three items above. I’m not like the other who has self-believe.

I wanna thank you but I can’t thank you enough. I wanna talk to you face to face, just we both. But, I’m not sure I can do it. Say and tell about something inside my heart that have been hiding more than a year. I wanna hold your hand just like your gf did. I wanna say the words just like your gf did. I wanna stare at your eyes just like your gf did. I wanna text you just like your gf did. I wanna walk by you in the corridor just like your gf did.

Maybe it’s time to countdown the graduation day. And I’m still stuck thinking about what I have to do before the day. I do remember when you held me in your arms on my birthday. That’s the sweetest gift I’ve ever gotten and I felt like the happiest person in the world. I think about that all the time. I remember the first time I saw you. I remember when you sang in music as simply the teacher said. And I watched you going home everyday.

Can I hold your hand just one more time? Do you want to hear the deepest secret inside my heart?

I’m waiting for your call.

Can I move on? I’m not.

Do I love him? Yes, I do!

Sunday, January 27, 2013


New York.
I don't know why I really really really really want to be there, especially Queens and Manhattan. Everybody seems so famous and rich there. Live my life with a strange people in a *number one* country in the whole world. Working in this *number one* country, I think we'll get a fantastic salary. Ha ha ha ha . . . . . (it depends on your skills, exactly).

But I don't know how to get there. It'll need much of money. Money to buy the plane ticket, to live your life, and shopppppppppppiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnggggggggg to buy the unique souvenirs from this country. This last reason for shopaholic only. Hahaha, and I'm not one of it. Yeah, thank god!

So many things that make me confused about the majors at the university later. I wanna be an architect/ engineer, dance teacher, astronaut. But, I'm not interested in medical. I don't know why, I hate it. But, I think I like being a dentist. :D

I heard and saw a quote: "Work in passion" So you'll feel that you're not going to work. But, you're going to have fun.

But, most of all I fell in love with dance and music since I was 7th years old. You know that I can't live without a piano, and I'll be a crazy girl if I see one in front of me. And, I'll do the same if I see someone's doing a traditional dance. . .
But, in other side, I want to be like my father, an architect. Who works in some building/office. Go to office at 9 a.m and go home at 5 or 7 p.m. Yeah, such a daily routine activities. Be a musician and dance teacher. . . I don't know what's the schedule. But, I think it'll be busier than an architect. Hahaha *confused -_______-
But, be a dance teacher is more fun and I'll be enjoying this job in the future.

About the future. I don't know what we'll be. .him and I. . .
But, I'll never forget about the "high school moment". And, I'll be the first girl in this world who say "thank you" to god. Because he gave me much of great, best, sweet, and unforgettable memories in my life.

Seeing he smiles at me is more than a best gift I've ever had. . .

But, God, Can I hold his hand just one more time? Please. . .
I'm sure it'll be the hardest goodbye in my life
I don't think to find someone like him, 'cause I still believe that there's no one like him. . .
I love him, and I want to go to NY. I hope someday I will say. . . "NY, I'm coming!" and "I receive my scholarship to study in USA" Amen.

Y e s,  I   L O V E   H I M. . .

Sunday, January 06, 2013

First Post

well, It's 2013 already. And, this is the first post in 2013 ^_^

And 2012 was the best year for me even though at the end I got a bad news. I guess you know it.

I spent new year eve with the fams and just played Uno at home, and a little BBQ party with the neighbor. HAHA!

Ok, and another bad news for me and all the westlifers around the world is Westlife splitted up. But the best news is the Farewell DVD is number one in UK!
Their last concert was only in Croke Park, Dublin, Ireland. They didn't held a world tour.
And this year, Mark Feehily and Shane Filan will realease their solo album on their first solo career. But, I don't know for sure what's the date they will realease it. Just be patient to wait it.

Ok, My westlife favorite song is still "Something Right". Last month I was searching for the Lighthouse video on the Youtube. While I was searching, I saw a video named "The Making of Something Right" yeah, it means behind the scene of Something Right.

And as it my favorite song, I (happily) opened it. And, you know what? the Youtube said:
"Sorry, this media is unavailable in your country"
What is it like? It's like a doomsday, exactly.
What happen with my country? Why they didn't give permission to my country? Was there something wrong?

Don't you know that I really love that song and really want to see the behind the scene? I hope Sony BMG will fix it soon.

Let's move to other topic.

You know it's a new year. With a hello and goodbye. Let's say hello to our new junior students who will study in our school, and we'll say goodbye to our seniors.

Goodbye to our seniors. There will be a goodbye. And I'm not ready to say goodbye to him. I don't know what it's like, but I think I'm gonna cry.

And about my promise to say all the truth to him, I guess I won't do. There's a girl who standing next to him, now. And, it's impossible. I don't wanna broke their relationship just because my promise last year. Let them enjoy their romance. They deserve it.

Will I get a good boy instead of him? I'm not sure, and I don't think to find another one. I still wanna survive this feeling. But, sooner or later I'll get a choose.

One year ago, I've been waiting for him. Doing something good, something useful, studied hard to get science class and rangking top five, joined in new extracurricular. Joined the choir and marching band, and because of him I chose to joined the Organization of school. And, I chosen as one of the candidate. But I didn't win the election. I did this because he might be interest in me. But, God has a plan. He was looking for another girl. I still remember how I met him. When and where. How we shared every moment. How he treated me. How he gave me the unexpected moment, and how he held me in his arms on my birthday.

Forget it.

Ok, about new year. My first dream in 2013 is.. I dreamed about him. He was standing next to me, and smile. And it was in the airport. I don't know what it means. But. I hope it's a good sign. Maybe it's a sign that I will go to USA. HAHA! lol :D. By the way about airport, I'm still wondering about the location of Soekarno-Hatta International Airport. On the map, it's located on Tangerang. But, if you look around the airport when you will leave the airport there's a big banner written "Welcome to Jakarta" ohyeah, what the hell? It made me confused. Which one the right answer? I think you are being confused, too. hehehe.

Happy New Year 2013. May this year will bring us to the best. And, may our dreams come true. I love you and I love him.